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Acacia auriculiformis A.Cunn. ex Benth

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Acacia auriculiformis A.Cunn. ex Benth
The generic name of Acacia was derived from the Greek word ‘akis’ which means barb. The species epithet was originated from the Latin and consists of ‘auricula - ear’ and ‘forma - form’ which means ‘ear form’. Subsequently, the species name essentially describes the character of fruit which of in coil form that resemble the ear.

Acacia auriculiformis is native to Australia, Eastern Indonesia and Papua New Guinea. The tree is regarded promising for the production of unbleached kraft pulp and high-quality, neutral, sulphite semi-chemical pulp which favored profoundly by pulp and paper companies. By this reason, Acacia auriculiformis has been distributed widely from its original land.

The tree is evergreen and may reach up to 30 meters tall. The trunk is crooked, up to 12 meters tall, and 50 cm in diameter. The leaves blades of Acacia auriculiformis exist during the juvenile stage only. The leave those are commonly referred for the tree in actual fact is the modified petioles.

The species is notoriously known as highly invasive plant for the bare land. Coupled with monospecific plantation on vast area of disturbed land in Sumatra, Acacia auriciliformis cause further threat to the environment. Despite this reputable attention, Acacia auriculiformis earns some good services and properties. For example, the plant is used for roadside tree, the wood is medium strength which suitable for making furniture and tools, the flower is source of nectar for honey production, and tree produces tannin which useful to hide the animal skin.

Land origin of Acacia auriculiformis is indicated by circle.

The habit of tree shows the unshaped canopy.

Modified petioles which is commonly understood as leaves blades.

Flower buds, blossom flowers, and old flower.

Young and old fruits of Acacia auriculiformis.

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