This is the last TFLSA for the year 2014. It was held at TTDI – Sungai Damansara. Two years ago, TFLSA was conducted on the same place. However, many of trees died due to some flood.
This TFLSA was attended by the smallest number of participants and also having the smallest number of trees to be planted. we brought one
Dryobalanops oblongifolia and one
Dipterocarpus sp.
Jean and MBSA staffs show how to handle the tree for planting.
MBSA staffs are plating the trees along Sungai Damansara.
One participant is planting a mango (
Mangifera indica) tree.
Jean and Bernard are planting
Dipterocarpus sp.
A six months
Dryobalanops oblongifolia
Jean and students of SK Subang Bestari are planting a rambutan -
Nephelium lappaceum tree.