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Germination of Vatica stapfiana

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Germination of Vatica stapfiana
Dear all,
The fruit skin of Vatica stapfiana is thick and hard which can be very challenging to germinate them. At the first attempt of germination, we planted the fruits right away into the soil and we kept the soil moist. This effort had no success. Then, we soaked the fruits into water for few days before planted them into the soil. As the previous trial, the germination also did not happen. We become to believe to some information that Vatica is extremely difficult to germinate. The pressure of having germinated Vatica stapfiana increases as the species is cited endangered by IUCN. Having known the difficulties to germinate the Vatica, I purposely leaved the remain fruits inside the plastic bag for further trial and I placed it on the corner of our terrace where the temperature is a bit cooler. Unintentionally, I forgot them for about one month. When I opened the plastic, I was shock of happiness to see all the fruits well germinated. A moment after, I got to realize that I found the the method how to germinate the Vatica. I concluded that germination of Vatica fruit needs time and constant high humidity and temperature.

Germinated fruits of Vatica stapfiana

I redo the germination using the latest discovery method for fruits those were collected from Kampong Sungai Dua. The result showed identical performance. This trial was a proof test of germination method of Vatica stapfiana.

The second successful germination of Vatica stapfiana

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