Trees corresponding to city databases are identified by the logo. In some cases, tree names have been modified
according to those of the International Plant Name Index. Trees with same coordinates have been deleted to
keep only one tree for a given position. Contact forms for city trees and notifications for edited trees are addressed
to the webmaster or to a representative of the urban community. Graph charts (click on
) are calculated according to the
database and updated weekly. and the urban communities cited hereafter are not liable for the accuracy of the
published data or for any damage linked to their use.
Please contact the webmaster if you desire publishing your database.
Polygon names: Wien:
Origin of data: website
Licence: website
Correspondance form (temporary): webmaster
Polygon names: Pereira:
Origin of data: website
Licence: Jardin Botanico Pereira Technological University
Correspondance form (temporary): webmaster
Polygon names: Montpellier
Origin of data: website
Licence: website
Correspondance form adressed to: "Projet Open Data pour la Ville de Montpellier"
Polygon names: Paris
Origin of data: website
Licence: website
Correspondance form (temporary): webmaster
Polygon names: Firenze
Origin of data: website
Licence: website
Correspondance form (temporary): webmaster
Polygon names: Shah Alam
Origin of data: website
Licence: website
Correspondance form (temporary): webmaster