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What is Pericopsis?

"Pericopsis" is a free and collaborative database for the localization and identification of trees. Tree map and tree names can be accessed using the Consultation page. After free registration, information can be added or edited using the Contribution page. Pericopsis is open to the contributions of citizens as well as to the databases of urban communities.

Is Pericopsis only for botanists?

Pericopsis is a citizen science platform based on the principle of a "Wiki" which means: "making it easy to correct errors rather than making it difficult to make them". If you are not sure about the name, you can evaluate your contribution as: "unsure". You can also edit contributions of other users if you think they are innacurate.

What is the objective?

Our view is that knowledge of biodiversity is fundamental for living in harmony with nature. Your participation permits to collect data that would otherwise not be available for the community. Knowledge about tree diversity at the local, regional and global scale will help to manage residential landscapes in a coordinated way. Specific mapping activities are grouped under different projects:
“Ex-situ” trees planted for species conservation.
“Open-data” databases from urban communities
“Schola” investigations made in the frame of school activities.

Let’s start!

Currently 436516 trees are mapped. The project needs your action to achieve its goal. Mapping trees in your garden or street is a good starting point. After registration you can mark your area of choice with a polygon. It doesn’t matter if the trees you map are rare, common or even invasive, all data is interesting and useful to be shared. More precise instructions for mapping trees can be obtained using the How to contribute link.

Distribution map

Gauche Gauche
11 - 100
1001 - 10 000
100 001 - 1 000 000
1 - 10
101 - 1000
10 001 - 100 000
> 1 000 000 2014 |Contact Webmestre